Sunday, July 8, 2012


I've been letting my readers down, I know. Only 2 posts the entire month of June! In all fairness, changing positions at work and moving/moving in with Dan all in the span of a week was VERY poor planning on my part and I feel like I've barely had a moment to catch my breath. July doesn't look much better in the time department (6 free evenings the whole month? Bring it on!) Hopefully in the next few days I'll have enough time to update you all on the moving out, living in the suburbs, and moving back in ordeal. But for now, two exciting things to share!

1. Dan and I have officially survived 30 hours living together!! There's been a lot of stress and some yelling, but the only major incident was me getting impaled by a dresser, which was kinda Dan's fault, obviously. Only evidence is some bruises on my hips though, so could have been worse. We even hosted our first guest (his mom) for dinner (Chinese takeout) last night. And yes, I'm already sensing my diet slipping seeing as my last few meals consisted of Sonic, pizza, Chinese, bagels, and now leftovers. I did make Dan buy fruit last night though, so we're making progress. I'm certainly dreading the inevitably large shopping trip I have to make either today or tomorrow though. At least we're going to Sam's (Tim's girlfriend) for dinner tonight. Whatever Tim cooks will certainly be better than what we're been eating!

2. Dan got an email from Lewis University's Chief Flight Instructor on Friday asking him to come in for an interview. Even though Lewis is 40 miles southwest of Chicago, this is the closest 4-year university with a flight program and therefore has been his dream job ever since I moved back to Chicago last year. It finally seems like we're thisclose to having the last 5+ years of long distance pay off so we'd really appreciate good vibes, prayers, crossed fingers, whatever you can/want to do to send good luck our way!

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